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Today, Let's Talk About Kindness

Today, Let's Talk About Kindness

Dear you,

I meant to write to you soon but has been so busy.

I often asked people which city is your favor? To me, in USA, Seattle is my no.1 favor and in Canada, Vancouver wins my heart. And just last week, I was in Vancouver for a little trade show and it got me thinking about kindness.

Vancouver has been voted over and over again as one of the most livable cities in the world. I am not surprised. I have visited Vancouver over 20 times by now over the years and the more I visited, the more I love this city.

First, it is very very beautiful with the mountains ,sea and everything in between. Stanley park is my absolutely NO.1 favor place.
Second, the weather is so nice. Last week when we were suffering heavy snow in Toronto and most of the country, Vancouver got only a little bit of snow.
But to me, it is a livable city because of its lovely people.

When there I have friend or friends in a city, this city becomes dear to me. In Vancouver I not only have quit some friends but many strangers were so nice to me, even when I traveled alone there, I still feel safe and not lonely.

But I did have few unpleasant experience with few bus drivers of 205 bus from West Vancouver to downtown over the past two years.
First, I have to say the bus drivers I met during my stay in Vancouver city were mostly extremely nice. But since last year I started to stay with my friends in West Vancouver, I started to take 205 bus to Granville street in the morning then transferred to 14 or 16 bus to PNE early every morning when I was in Vancouver. Several bus drivers were cold and one was even rude.
For example, the first time I took 205 was very early morning and I was the only passenger. I said good morning and he just ignored my greeting and then when I asked the driver how much was bus fair and he was very reluctant to answer my question. I got cold treatment twice from different drivers again last week with 205 bus which it only happened once all these years when I took bus in Vancouver city. The other day when I ran to the bus and got very close, 205 bus just took off--Come on! I saw you approached the stop and you did not even stop for 2 minutes. And don't tell me you did not see me--It is early but the sky haD light up and I am the only one on the street!
I told my friend Alison about my unpleasant experience with 205 bus, she was shocked. To be honest, me too! Because people were so nice in Vancouver, I would not expect these to happen.
LAVISHY Boutique Blog Post: Today, Let's talk about kindness
March 11 was the second last day I was in Vancouver for this trip, I took 205 bus again and the bus driver was as warm as the weather when I said good morning to him.
Then when I transferred to bus 2209 on Granville street, what a difference! The bus driver smiled like a Spring when I greeted him. Every time people got off the bus, he would say thank you back and wish them a great day. After the bus passed the China Town, there were less and less passengers, he even stopped for a minute to say hi to two old East Asian ladies who did not board the buss but seem to know him--the smiles on their face gave me the feeling of Hawaii!
When we approached the PNE stop, I was the only one left with him on the bus. By observing him, I was very cheerful and moved. And I did something I have never done before, I walked close to him to tell him what a difference his kindness made me feel. He was all smiling, shook my hand and introduced himself--If I was not wrong, his name is John MacGregor.

After I got off, I took a picture of the bus to remind myself how much kindness can affect others.
The kindness of a Vancouver bus driver made my day and inspired me to be kind.

Lao Tzu said: Kindness in giving creates love.
Today I read the article of Masters of Love by Emily Esfahani Smith from The Atlantic talked about Science discovered that lasting relationships come down to kindness and generosity. I think it is worth of reading. The following is the link:

So I hope you are always lucky to meet kind people in your life. And I hope you will be one of them too.

Bye for now.

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