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Sharing Some Wisdom

Sharing Some Wisdom

Dear you,

It's been a really busy few months for me. Facing challenges left and right makes me tired and emotional down--my best friend seemed to be more interested to spend time on social media than talking to me made me sad.

Trying to make new friends is so hard because it takes two parties to invest in this relationship, for example to carry a conversation, I found it was very discouraging to see the other party gave you just few words or one line when you put in paragraphs. It won't work if only me open the door to my heart while the other side reminds closed.
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I gave up.

I gave up trying to make friends, but I am not giving up to make me a better friend to myself. I want happiness in my life and I understand the relationship is the foundation of a happy life.

During the tough time, I try my best not to turn to cake for comfort but to wisdom of wiser people I can find.

Sure enough, this morning I saw the article: Billionaire Warren Buffett just turned 89—here are 6 pieces of wisdom from the investing legend

I understand they have to use words like billionaire and legend to sell this article, but being a billionaire does not this person is wise. But I do think Buffett is very wise indeed.

The first piece of advice he gave is to marry the right person.
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I know a lady that I admire, like and respect a great deal who is single and intend to be single for probably a really long time so she can be free to travel any time she wants to and any where she likes to. I asked her more than once does she missed the feeling of being with someone steadily in a long term arrangement (she did have a live in boyfriend during her early twenties who also was her business partner but it ended not happily), she said traveling makes her happier.

So not everyone wants and needs a marriage or long term relationship like that. I do. And I can say my life's biggest achievement is to marry the right person. He is my best friend and almost everything to me. I am so grateful and I make sure he knows that everyday.

But even the perfect partner in life still can't be everything to me. I love the TV show Sex and the City, the movies too. Even the girls married the right ones, they still need friends--great friends that will be there through thick and thin. That kind of emotion supports are priceless and different from your partner can provide. I am missing that right now.

“You want to associate with people who are the kind of person you’d like to be. You’ll move in that direction,” Buffett said during a 2017 conversation with Bill Gates. “And the most important person by far in that respect is your spouse. I can’t overemphasize how important that is.”

It's so true. Based on my own experience, I learned so much from here and could be proud to say I also influenced him some for being a better person.

Personally I know money is so important for my life and I work hard, really hard for it. I spent so much time for my work, I did not send enough on making friends and maintaining my friendship. (I moved to Toronto and my friends are also moving from our hometown.) Do I regret? No I don't. I need the money to support myself and take care those I love dearly. If this is the price to pay, I will still take it.

But as now I realize how much I miss to have the kind of friends I used to have, I want to do something about it. And mark my words, I will! I know I might not reach my goal as it is take two to dance, I can put in my effort, but I can force not even beg for others to do so.

Anyway, let's move on to his 2nd advice which I think it is also so true and useful: Invest in yourself.

First, “learn to communicate better both in writing and in person. ” Honing that skill can increase your value by at least 50%, he said in a Facebook video posted in 2018.Next, take care of your body and mind.
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Third, he suggested: Associate yourself with ‘high-grade people’.
“One of the best things you can do in life is to surround yourself with people who are better than you are. you’ll start acting more like them.”

For the rest of great life lessons he learned and shared, please read the article yourself at https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/31/billionaire-investor-warren-buffetts-best-advice.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab

I just learned this morning, Shopify actually makes the blog as one of the products. I noticed some people read the article tried to click and buy. But I actually never before connect a product with a blog post. So here we go, I will connect this blog post with our own themed products like this one.

Take care, working hard for your dreams, don't forget to send time with your loved ones--family and friends, relationship also need investment and it will be all worth it!



    Posted in owl

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